2 Weeks: 1000 Lines of Code

Patience and discipline are your friends

Over the past two weeks, I have written over 1000 lines of code. That is not an exaggeration. This was not a refactoring.

It is all my code.

I am not saying this brag. I am saying to say that it was difficult work. It was exhausting and frustrating. And at times I truly did not feel like continuing.

But I would not change my situation for the world.

I remember when I first started learning how to code. I didn’t understand the concept of a function. Loops were the bane of my existence. Put it all together and it was like I was trying to read hieroglyphics.

That still did not stop me from pursuing my goal. Late nights, early mornings, tears and headaches were the sum of my journey. And in the end, I succeeded; I got my first job.

And broke into tech.

And you can too.

All you need is:

  • Discipline

    • I tried to do something related to code everyday. Whether that meant watching a tutorial, reading a book, or actually coding; I was doing it. I didn’t set up a specific time to study, I just studied until I hit my goal for the day. If you want, set up a time to study. It could be 30 minutes or 2 hours. Do what is best for you!

  • Patience 

    • If you think this is going to happen overnight, you are going to fail. Breaking into tech doesn’t happen in days. It happens over the course of months and even years. If you can’t see yourself waiting that long, you are going to give up.

    • And if you can’t be patient with yourself as you learn, you will fail. Learning is difficult and it takes time. Don’t ever beat yourself up. You will grasp those concepts. Just be kind to yourself!

If discipline and patience are something that you have, you will be able to write over 1000 lines of code, one day!


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