A Trick On How Not To Quit

Making small achievable goals

If you've ever felt like throwing in the towel while trying to carve out your space in the tech world, you're not alone. I've been there, more times than I care to count. Yes, you read that right—several times.

The journey into tech can often feel like a relentless cycle of starting, stopping, and starting again. For me, the sheer volume of topics to learn felt insurmountable, a never-ending mountain of knowledge that was both intimidating and overwhelming.

The turning point for me wasn't discovering some hidden shortcut; it was embracing a simple, yet powerful strategy: breaking the problem down into manageable pieces.

Take CSS, for example. Initially, I overwhelmed myself with the notion that I needed to "learn CSS" in its entirety, all at once. That approach is overwhelming and often times makes you want to quit or not even began at all. Instead, I learned the value of starting with the basics:

  1. What is CSS? Understanding the role and purpose of CSS in web development.

  2. Breaking Down the Components: Identifying the key components that make up CSS, such as:

    • CSS Syntax and Selectors: Mastering the foundations of how CSS styles are written and applied.

    • Box Model: Grasping how elements are structured and styled on a page.

    • Positioning and Display: Learning the nuances of how elements are arranged and interact.

    • Flexbox and Grid Layout: Diving into modern layout techniques for responsive design.

This breakdown transformed an overwhelming subject into a series of attainable learning objectives. By first defining what CSS was and then dissecting its key components, the path to learning and understanding became clear and structured.

The crux of the matter lies not in the sheer volume of what needs to be learned but in how you approach it. The initial view of a topic as an undivided whole is what often leads to us feeling overwhelmed. It's the dissection into smaller, digestible segments that easies the learning process and maps out a clear route forward.

So, when embarking on the journey to learn something new, start with understanding its essence. Then, break it down into its fundamental components. This strategy not only makes the learning curve less steep but also turns the journey into a series of small victories, each building your confidence and competence.

Embrace this approach, and you'll find that what once seemed like an impossibility, will start to resemble a ladder, each rung taking you closer to your goal.


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