Get Loud, Get Noticed

Don't fear rejection

If you're anything like me, the fear of rejection may have held you back from showcasing your projects and establishing meaningful connections. I remember those initial days of my tech journey, where self-doubt lingered, and my projects remained unseen, and potential connections were just names on a screen.

In the beginning, I doubted the value of interacting with others or showcasing my skills, believing I was merely an amateur. I struggled with the notion that I wasn't a "real" developer. I was merely another person who happened to know HTML, CSS, and Javascript. These thoughts haunted me until I reached a breaking point.

"So what?" I asked myself.

So what if I was a beginner?

So what if I didn't have all the answers?

So what????

That shift in perspective was transformative. I realized that to achieve more in my tech journey, I had to be different; I had to do things differently. And so, I did.

I began sharing my projects on LinkedIn, posting solutions to LeetCode questions, and actively participating on Stackoverflow. I reached out to recruiters and professionals in my field. I started proclaiming my goals and actions loudly, despite the fear of rejection and ridicule. You have to think like that – it changed my entire mentality.

Putting myself out there led to invaluable connections, securing interviews, and eventually landing me a job. If I had remained silent or relied on hope alone, the journey would have been much longer.

So, my advice to you is to get loud about what you want and what you're doing. You can do the exact things I’m doing now. I’m not special. You can post on LinkedIn. You can message the people you see on your timeline. You can answer those questions. You can hop into someone’s DMs and introduce yourself.

And if you fail, you fail.

There were several times when I was dismissed but overcoming the fear of rejection is a crucial step toward being noticed in the tech industry. Silence won't get you anywhere – you have to make your presence known.

When you get loud, someone will hear. And who knows? That someone might just be the key to your next opportunity.


or to participate.