How I'm Keeping My Job

How to stay relevant in this industry

Learning—it's a process we thought would conclude in college. For some, it even happened in high school.

However, for those aiming to break into the tech industry, you'll need to have a hunger for knowledge. You must be insatiable to keep up with the daunting task of the ever-changing landscape.

And if you don't, you will fail.

Case in point: currently, I am navigating Redux in my job. While I've heard of it and know what it is, I've never used it, and now my job expects me to troubleshoot its issues.

I have two choices.

I could muddle my way through or actually learn the ins and outs of Redux.

Care to guess which one I choose?

This is what it's going to be like if you enter this space. You'll have to adapt on the job and learn on the fly. You can't tell your superior that you don't know, and you don't have an inclination to learn.

What do you think will happen to you?

You have to accept the fact that learning will be a continuous process. There will not be a time when you won't have to learn something new because some fad or a new technology is always popping up.

Get used to it.

So here is what I'm doing to learn Redux.

Reading the Documentation: Start with the basics. The official documentation is your guide to understanding Redux from the ground up.

Reviewing Previous Code: Dive into existing code. It's a treasure trove of insights into how any technology has been implemented in your project. I am using GitHub to view how Redux was implemented.

Watching Tutorials: Visual learning can be powerful. Tutorials provide a practical perspective, helping to bridge the gap between theory and application.

Taking Notes: I am documenting my learning journey. Note down key concepts, challenges, and solutions. It solidifies your understanding.

I'm doing what it takes to stay relevant to my job and the industry. You don't have to do the same thing. You can find something that works for you, but don't fight the process. Embrace the fact that you are going to be a student for the rest of your career.

And you just might make it!


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