Interview Question - Why Should We Hire You?

How to really answer why should be hire you.

Why should we hire you?

“Because you are hiring.”

“Because I’m broke.”

These are the comical answers that you see when you scroll through social media because while these statements do hold some truths, no one is going to actually let these answers flow from their mouths in an actually interview.


But despite the humorous takes on social media, let's start where it matters—with the company's mission statement.

A mission statement embodies a company's essence, outlining its goals and aspirations for the future. It serves as a compass guiding its actions and decisions. Leveraging the mission statement can help craft a compelling response to why you're the right fit for the role.

For example, take this mission statement: “To inspire and impact the world with vision, purpose, and style.”

How would format an answer?

First, start with reciting their mission statement. After that, speak about your experience but tailor it to the statement. Speak on your past accomplishments and how it aligns with what they are trying to do.

It should be something like this:

“In alignment with your mission to inspire and impact the world with vision, purpose, and style, I offer a combination of creativity, expertise, and a commitment to making a positive difference. Throughout my career, I have consistently demonstrated my ability to think innovatively, develop strategic solutions, and bring a fresh perspective to every project I undertake. My dedication to excellence and my passion for creating meaningful impact align perfectly with your company's mission”

It doesn’t have to be exactly like this but when asked this question, again -

  1. Cite the mission statement

  2. Speak to past accomplishments and skills

    a. If you can be specific about some aspects of your past accomplishments using the skills in that have been mentioned in the interview and in the job description

Remember, your goal is to position yourself as the best candidate for the job. By researching and referencing the company's mission statement, you demonstrate your genuine interest in their values and how you can contribute to their success.

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