Javascript - It's a little easier

Learn an easier language

When they say pick a programming language, they do mean any language. It could be Java, C, C#, Python, Ruby, Javascript. The list goes on. But I think that this is somewhat misleading. Sure, most programming languages can get you in the door, but which ones can get you in the door quicker?

Languages like Java, C, and Ruby are languages that have a steeper learning curve. I know because I have tried Java and C and have given up on them because I felt that these languages were too convoluted. Mind you, I wasn’t a beginner either!

Just because these languages are hard doesn’t mean you can’t learn them, it just means there are better ways to dip you toe into the programming world. And just because you choose a supposed easier language doesn’t mean you are less than or you took an easier way out.

It just means you setting your self up for greater success

If I had started my journey with something like Java, I don’t think I would have made it. Javascript was easier to read and easier to learn because if felt somewhat like English. The same goes for Python.

Let’s consider this example. Both of these code blocks are performing the exact same task. They are adding numbers and returning the results.

Javascript Code:

Java Code:

If you had to choose, which one would you?

I am not trying to scare you away from Java or make it seem like this language is insurmountable. Because tons of people have managed to learn this language and have successful careers. I want you to succeed into breaking into tech and if you start with something like Java, it might be harder.

So, when choosing a language you should do what is best for you but the ultimate goal for any journey is that you continue. For beginners, Javascript is a friendlier way to begin your journey and I’m glad I started with it!


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