I Quit, So What..

How to start again

I started with HTML and CSS like most people do when they step into the world of front-end development. HTML was full of syntax and elements that one had to remember and CSS was picking and choosing the right combinations to style a webpage.

It was frustrating at times. More often than not, I didn’t know how to overcome a roadblock but I muddled through, kept learning, and eventually moved on to Javascript. I knew it was going to be difficult, but still, I remained optimistic.

That quickly changed.

As I got deeper into learning that programming language, the more frustrated I grew. I was not learning the syntax as quickly as with HTML and CSS. I couldn’t grasp objects, loops, or functions. And when I tried to build mini projects, nothing I implemented worked.

I quit and didn’t return for months. My motivation to learn completely evaporated. Worthless and stupid were my favorite words to myself during those times. But somehow I managed to start up again. And it was due to my stubbornness.

I refused to let all that I had learned go to waste.

I began again and this time I knew I had to be kinder to myself.


  • I had to stop calling myself names. It would not get me anywhere and it does nothing but cause cycles of negativity.


  • I did not compare my learning of HTML and CSS to Javascript. They are different things and comparing the quickness to which I learned them would not do me any good.


  • I realized that I had to give myself the grace to fail. This would be challenging and if I wanted to succeed, failing was going to be a part of this process.

With these rules, I managed to learn Javascript but I probably could not have done that if I hadn’t quit. I had to give myself time to unlearn the cruel things I had said about myself. I had to unlearn that failing was not the end. So, if you need some time to decompress, take that time. Quitting is not the end! As long as you start again, you will get there!


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