The Phone Screening

Answer that call

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A recruiter recently reached out to me, and as always, I made sure to establish that connection. Regardless of how satisfied you are with your current job or career trajectory, it's crucial to keep networking. You never know what opportunities might arise. Plus, engaging in these conversations helps maintain your interview skills and technical knowledge.

That’s when I discovered a flaw in my armor.

The recruiter asked me a few simple technical questions, yet I was unhappy with the depth and clarity of my responses.

Question 1: What is TypeScript?

I’ve worked with TypeScript professionally for over three years, yet my response was embarrassingly shallow. I simply said, "It helps catch errors before runtime." While technically correct, I should have been able to articulate a more comprehensive answer about a technology I use daily.

Question 2: What is the difference between React and Angular?

This question stumped me. I know React well—I’ve used it extensively—but I’ve never worked with Angular. I was aware of it in passing but had never taken the time to learn about its differences from React. Despite not using Angular, I should have had at least a fundamental understanding of it. These two frameworks exist in the same ecosystem, and I realized I was unprepared to discuss them in comparison.

So, I took action.

For every question I fumbled, I researched the answers. I didn’t want to be caught off guard again. This experience was a wake-up call—a reminder that continuous learning is essential, even for technologies outside my immediate stack.

I haven’t been slacking as I code every day and try to learn something new each day. But I realized that I have some weak spots that I need to address all because I took a phone call I didn’t need to.

So, don’t be complacent.

Take those phone calls, even if you are happy!

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